Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two More Chickens

Jennie, Kate and Ann went and got two more chickens last night. We were down to just one lonely rooster, Rudy. Now the red head stud has two little white hens to chase around.

Jennie was actually worried about Rudy more than the hens. The hens are used to being around 80 other chickens. So the girls bossed him around almost immediately. The poor guy was actually stuck outside his coop last night. We shall see if the girls will let him back in. I'm sure if he gets hungry enough he'll bully his way back in. He is twice their size for cryin' out loud! I'm pretty sure that they are not letting him in due to the way that he kept the coop. The girls are probably very mad at his organization and cleanliness. That'll teach him.


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